Amused And Confused

Am amused and confused in the rollercoaster of life with high anticipation that the amusement would outbalance confusion. Do please sit back, be amused and entertained but be you not confused.
~A Malaysian blog~

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Zombie, me.....Please asleep, let me be.

Today I am practically a zombie.

I slept at 3-4 in the morning, woke up with eyes wide opened at 6am. Since it is soon summer, the sun is already up as early as 5am. So at 6am this morning, looked out the window and thought it is already 10 am but when I looked at the clock, No, it is only 6 am!

I couldn't go back to sleep. No, not that I couldn't but I can't.

It's already 8.15 am now. Am feeling sleepy but just can't drift to Slumberland.

This reminds me of my insomnia yrs ago. Total agony. No matter how you toss and turn in bed, countlessly adjust your pillow or pull over duvet/blanket, you just can't sleep. Thanks to the 'good-9-months' insomnia, I have two permanent black rings like the eyes of a panda.

And I hope I am not into that phase again.

I know there are times when I have overslept, but god, please just let me fall asleep, now..pronto.


Blogger S.U.E said...

u poor thing. don't torture urself if u can't sleep. lie down, relax and do some yogic breathing. hope that will induce sleepiness.

May 26, 2005 8:29 am  
Blogger OuiOui said...

how ironic, I read yr recent entry about you getting late to work due to oversleeping, and here I am mata tak leh tidur.

anyway, thanks for the advice. A good thing though, I get the chance to tire my eyes by bloghopping.

May 26, 2005 9:01 am  

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