Amused And Confused

Am amused and confused in the rollercoaster of life with high anticipation that the amusement would outbalance confusion. Do please sit back, be amused and entertained but be you not confused.
~A Malaysian blog~

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Twin yolks, twin babies?

There were two plates. Each was nicely filled with two medium toasts and scrambled eggs. Realising that I hadn't made enough scrambled eggs for another 2 plates, I reached for another egg from the chicken porcelain thingy Ms Z has in her kitchen.

I was blankly staring at the water tap as I cracked open the one egg that I had taken, into LO's favourite bowl. As I looked down at the bowl to give it a good beat, I saw two small egg yolks.

Wait a minute!

I looked down at my hands and there were two-halves' shell of one egg. And I was positively sure that the bowl was absolutely empty before cracking the egg.

It had been a twin yolk! I don't know about you, but this is my first time to ever experience this. Never had I experienced getting two yolks from a single chicken egg. Is this common?

I was so excited that I took the bowl into the room and showed it to DH.


"Umpph???" *trying hard to lift his eyelids*

"Two egg yolks!!Look!"

I was actually expecting DH to say "So?" because I hadn't told him that it had come from a single egg.

"Uuhh?" *lifting his head off the bed*

"Uuhh... ohh, then you'll be getting twins!!!" *trying to get back to sleep*

"Two egg yolks, from one egg!" *with a disbelieving tone, trying to make a point without realising that DH has hinted so*

"Yelah..I know. Tu tanda nak dapat twin !!" *saying with one eye shut*

I don't believe in such superstition, but if it would be a coincidence, I am more that happy to accept the fact!



Blogger S.U.E said...

dulu2 my mom tak bagi makan aper2 yg bercantum and kembar camtu. since i budak degil, yg org tak bagi lagi ler i nak buat :p

good luck with the possibility of twins ;)

May 26, 2005 5:32 am  
Blogger OuiOui said...

I'd been stopped once from eating a twin banana, konon tak elok. Funny, because it is semua rezeki kan? kan?

May 26, 2005 7:38 am  
Blogger S.U.E said...

to us, it is just another banana OuiOui.

pantang org tua2, takut dpt anak kembar siam or so i heard.

May 26, 2005 8:17 am  

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