Kangkung aka water spinach
I feel guilty for not updating this blog for the past few days. The fact that I have fall short on things to blog and at the same time been unwell, has caused the brief hiatus on entries. Also, I have less time to read blogs and hence, my creativity has gone stunted. And, have been busy too. Excuses, excuses.
OK...I have been unwell. We concluded that it could have been kangkung* we ate few days ago. Before I got married, I was perfectly flexible with food. I could go on without dinner until the late hours or simply eat bread for lunch. But now, after being married I have turned more like DH.
I was a total opposite of Dearie Husband , at least before I was a married woman. I was the queen of junk food. Not anymore, now. Well, at least if there were a de-merit system, I would have been de-ranked from queen to lady-in-waiting of junk food. hehehe simply because I still love junk food but have not consumed as much.
I have turned to be a person who solely rely on carbohydrate to keep me going, and that would be rice. Any delay would have me severe headache and kangkung might now have become a big no-no for me. Hence, the achy body.
ouch, ouch
*also known (scientifically) as Convolvulaceae/Ipomoea aquatica or Federal Noxious weed!
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