The question that all fathers dread to answer...(really ah?)
We had a trip to Tesco today for that quick shop of groceries. However our quick trip had been procrastinated by our girl wanting a toy.
So, being the sporting parents ever (cehwah..), we gave in and decided to spend some extra minutes on the children's aisle to see what she really wanted. So we pushed the cart right by where Barbie dolls were shelved.
" want doll?"
... and she shaked her head
"You want this?"
I handed over a tiara and she shaked her head, again.
This time I showed her a pair of stilettos (for little girls) to pair up with the tiara.
Again, she shaked her head.
I thought she was simply being undecided. But seconds later DH asked
"You want this?"
"Yeah,yeah ...atin nak this one..."
already becoming over excited.
And guess what was it that she had her eyes on? Trucks and lorries! Alamak...
We later spent quite some time to convince her that dolls are much better for her and more fun to play with. She agreed, but only wanted the ones with 3 spares of clothing that comes with 3 different shoes. Clever.
When we reached home, she was not that excited about playing with the doll (wishing she had the truck, maybe) but after a short session of demonstrating on taking off and putting on different clothes, she brightened up. I guess it worked. It has been about 3 hours now that she played with the doll and while watching Eraser, a question popped up. A question that every father dread to answer..
"Babah* , what's this? Babah..Babah what's this?"
This time the doll was fully undressed.
She pointed to the mount of know what.
DH turned for a split second and said (unaware what the question was)
"Babah! What's this?!"
...already on a demand tone.
DH looked again and realised that it was one question that he felt embarass to answer to her 3 yr old girl. He shrugged..
"uh...ask mummy, ask mummy.."
We looked at each other and laughed. Well, maybe we'd allow another year or two explaining her the anatomy of a doll.
* Babah is a word for Daddy in Malay
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