In the name of love ..and health
I woke up one morning and soon was educated by Dearie Husband about the danger of consuming soya (soy oil??) and how consuming it could affect your health. Apparently, he has stumbled upon an online article by John Thomas, MD based in the States, regarding the danger of consuming soya-based product.
I was totally taken aback as I have always been told that soya is brain food, high in protein. I love soya bean milk and of all, kicap (aka soya bean sauce) cap kipas udang. Take the kicap away and I'd be eating my rice meal as slow as a snail or I might not even have the appetite! To have been told that soya is bad is like having my oxygen taken away, oh well..ok, I'm a little bit exagerating but let me tell you my ration on kicap is as crucial as a 2l bottle a month. I loooove kicap..
I am yet to read the mentioned article and hasn't got the time to search for it on the internet. But if it is true, I might have to cut down on my soya intake or as demanded by DH stop consuming it totally. How lah?
DH has now pledged to become a health freak.
"Since I have now stopped smoking, I might as well be a health freak. I want to live longer you know"
I was touched by that. Yes darling I was.
So, I have to consider this soya intake seriously. If my other half has willed to consider cessation of smoking in the name of love (theory: to live longer thus to love us more..) then I do not see why I should not do the same on my lovely kicap. Waaaaa...
But hey, I told you I am yet to read the article and would like further back-ups on the said article.I was told that John Thomas has his books banned here in the not know how true is that though. Well, if I do get the articles I'd share them with you here.
Err, actually I am still in denial. Could this be a schemic agenda to revert vegetarians/vegans back on consuming red meat? Imagine the conundrum this would be to them who rely very much on soya-based food for their protein intake....aiyayayaya
Soya is bad.. bad.. bad...
soya=kicap is good..good..and yummy
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