Blogger and blog-hopping
Since Dina Zaman has stopped blogging, I have literally stopped reading blogs. This is simply because she has a list of blogs linked and usually after my daily dose of DZ's entries, I'd blog-hop from her page. Sadly, she has stopped now and I am just too lazy to read other people's blogs. It'd be a big effort for me to do a yahoo search just to read other blogs.
It was a surprise stoppage. I do not know why DZ stopped blogging suddenly but I guess I, like many others (her avid readers) have to respect her decision. The last time I heard of her, she is busy with work and is preparing a project on a documentary.
So, I need to relive my days of blog hopping. To widen my creativity in writing, perhaps...iye ke nih? If you are following my blog and you have one, feel free to link me to yours and I'll do the same. Well, as long as yours is not a porno site. Thank you.
Does anybody ever comment? I'm kind of new at this blogging thing so maybe I'm just being impatient. Seems nobody ever comments. A couple people even sent me money, but nobody comments. What's up with that?
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