Amused And Confused

Am amused and confused in the rollercoaster of life with high anticipation that the amusement would outbalance confusion. Do please sit back, be amused and entertained but be you not confused.
~A Malaysian blog~

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

A story of the unsuccessful baking

Had baked chocolate chip muffins on Monday and the whole baking process wasn't a succesful story. They turned out to be rock cookies minus the sultanas.Hahaha

Now I had them in a small container by the hobs. Been there for a good 3 days, untouched.Yes, untouched.So, there isn't any better solution than to feed the squirrels in the commons. Well at least, you know that they aren't wasted.

Our flat stands directly next to the commons. It is not as big as the Southampton Commons though but surely on an early morning, it gives you a fresh breather. From our window, you could actually see squirrels mischeviously hop on the thin branches. So now you know where all my unsuccssful bakings end up. Yes, poor squirrels. But hey, I guess my muffins are better than having them scavanging the skips and dustbins. They do you know. And they do steal. So I guess I too have saved people living on the ground floor from having squirrels ransacking their kitchens!

Well, baking is not so much of an unsuccessful story...after all.

And those squirrels, they are a bunch of lucky ones, with me and my baking around!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice. But try something else... maybe fruit cake or pisang goreng.

February 10, 2005 6:02 am  
Blogger OuiOui said...

well..I can bake cakes..but when it comes to muffins, I always,always spoil them.

February 10, 2005 7:27 am  

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